True Love Bouquet


True Love Bouquet is full of romantic sentiment and dreams for the years ahead. Pink roses, pink ranunculus, lavender larkspur, lavender phalaenopsis orchids, Lily of the Valley, variegated ivy, lily grass blades and lush greens are gorgeously arranged in a teardrop shape to create the bouquet that exudes a soft sophistication. Approximately 17″H x 23″W.

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True Love Bouquet is full of romantic sentiment and dreams for the years ahead. Pink roses, pink ranunculus, lavender larkspur, lavender phalaenopsis orchids, Lily of the Valley, variegated ivy, lily grass blades and lush greens are gorgeously arranged in a teardrop shape to create the bouquet that exudes a soft sophistication. Approximately 17″H x 23″W.

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